At DASA® we design, develop, manufacture and market fertilizers, biostimulants, soil conditioners and water correctors. With our experience over the years and close collaboration with institutions of recognized experience in the agri-food field, we continue to innovate and optimize our products in a process of continuous improvement.
Our objective is based on obtaining healthier crops, better harvests and higher economic yields and therefore greater Farmers' satisfaction.
Nutrient absorption in plants and its adverse factors
Plant roots obtain most of the nutrients from a soil with optimal physicochemical properties (texture, permeability, pH, electric conductivity, mineral elements ...), with adequate organic matter, micro and macrobiota and with quality irrigation water. Except for carbon that is captured by the leaves in the form of gas (carbon dioxide), and some of the oxygen is also captured by the leaves.
Unfortunately, there are very few occasions to find an ideal soil and water to obtain the optimum economic performance for farming. In addition to this, on many occasions’ crops suffer from abiotic stress, produced by natural phenomena and biotic stress, produced by organisms. Among the abiotic stress we find drought, extreme temperatures (cold, frost, heat waves), salinity, sodicity, excessive radiation, floods… Among biotics stress factors we find attack of insects, herbivores, fungi or bacteria, among others.
Adverse factors for good crop yields:
- Poor soils
- Poor water quality
- Abiotic stress
- Biotic stress
The role of DASA® to improve crop nutrition
In most cases, crops do not grow in suitable soils or are watered with quality water, in addition to suffering stress. All of this ultimately results in a harvest yield below what could be obtained under ideal conditions.
The DASA® team works to alleviate the negative effects of all these factors by treating the problem as a whole; the plant, the soil, the water, the microorganisms as a whole. This holistic approach is based on the study of the latest advances in plant nutrition, soil science, biology, formulation technology and all supported by laboratory testing and field testing. The result is our elfer® product range.
The elfer® fertilizers and biostimulants that we develop supply nutrients to plants in soils where they would be insolubilized if it were not for the fact that they are complexed with natural substances of plant origin. If soil conditions drastically impede nutrient uptake or nutrient deficiencies are observed, the foliar application should be considered. Therefore, thanks to our own laboratory and extensive experience in the sector, we can offer a wide range of products for better plant nutrition and soil health.
elfer® products for a better crop nutrition and soil health
The DASA® team constantly advise agricultural producers to optimize the applications of our products to the maximum and obtain the highest economic return on all types of crops.
High efficiency Nutritional Correctors
Our water correctors allow to improve pH and alleviate the negative effects of saline or saline-sodium waters.
Biostimulants, Amino acids of vegetable origin and Seaweed extracts
Line of biostimulants that protects crops against stress. They favor physiological processes such as root growht, fruit seting, flowering, fruit fattening and/or fruit coloring.
Soil Bioactivators, Water and phytosanitary broths Conditionners
With our conditioners, the organic matter content is increased, the structure and cation exchange capacity are improved favoring water drainage, aeration, root growth and the absorption of micronutrients.
Specialties and Technical products
Specialties are the result of research carried out by the R & D team and agronomists with the aim of creating exclusive products at the service of Farmers looking for maximum performance for all type of crops.
High performance NPK Foliar fertilizers
NPK fertilizers include a wide range of fast-acting fertilizers for foliar application, formulated with microelements that provides all the nutritional needs required for the plant. They are used to enhance phenological stages with extra macronutrients needs.
elfer® organic products
They are the answer to the exponential increase in demand from the agri-food industry and consumers to produce quality organic / organic crops. At DASA® we are committed to sustainable agriculture and therefore, many of our products have organic certificates from BCS - ÖKO Garantie and CAAE, which corroborates the origin and the organic production process of fertilizers and other agronomic specialties in our catalogues.