The pear tree is a tree that can reach 10m in height, with oval growth and glabrous branches and with thorns. Its leaves are oval and serrated, 2 to 8 cm long. Its flowers are white, hermaphroditic and self-incompatible. They measure up to 3cm in diameter and are grouped in corymbs in groups of 3 to 9 flowers. Its fruits are pyriform, globose and of a size that can go from 1.5 to 10cm depending on the variety.
Regarding the soil, as it is a crop that is usually grafted, a variety that adapts to the soil will be chosen. A quince pattern will be used in the case of neutral soils (pH 6.5 to 7.5), fertile, without salinity and depth of 40-50cm. If instead the soil is more basic (pH 8-8.3) and has more active lime, a loamy standard would be used.
The pear tree needs to develop optimally a winter with sufficient cold, few frosts, sunny afternoons and summers. In the event that the summer is excessively hot, you may see production losses, as well as if there are very strong winds during the Maturation Stage of the fruit.
Its water needs are 700-800mm of water per year. It is very important to avoid a water deficit in summer, although the crop resists drought better than the quince pattern.
Irrigation properties
There are many varieties of pear currently cultivated In Spain. From some with a very ancient origin such as Blanquilla, Castell and Flor de winter, to more recent ones of French / Italian origin, such as Limonera and Ercolini, or of English origin such as William's and Conference.
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